
NFG Forums => Info Requests => Topic started by: NeWmAn on February 03, 2009, 06:18:45 AM

Title: Looking for Wondermega connector
Post by: NeWmAn on February 03, 2009, 06:18:45 AM
Is the 8 pin connector of the Wondermega RF unit (see photo below) available commercially or can someone point me to something similar?

Btw, the "TurboVision Turbo Express TV Tuner " connector (photo seen here: looks very similar, any chance that's the same?
Title: Re: Looking for Wondermega connector
Post by: NFG on February 03, 2009, 08:38:56 PM
There's basically zero chance it's the same, since the TV tuner is an INPUT and this is an OUTPUT.  Also, the TV tuner runs on 30V, where this probably outputs 5V.

I don't have a pinout for this connector, and in fact I've never seen it before, which is strange considering I've owned all three wondermegas.  =(
Title: Re: Looking for Wondermega connector
Post by: NeWmAn on February 03, 2009, 09:38:30 PM
Quote from: Lawrence on February 03, 2009, 08:38:56 PM
There's basically zero chance it's the same, since the TV tuner is an INPUT and this is an OUTPUT.  Also, the TV tuner runs on 30V, where this probably outputs 5V.

I'm looking for the connector to add RGB without changing the factory installed socket.
I don't want to use the TV tuner with the Wondermega, it just that it looked very similar and I thought that if different manufacturers use the same connector it could be a non proprietary part.

I don't have a pinout for this connector, and in fact I've never seen it before, which is strange considering I've owned all three wondermegas.  =(

Pinout is here: (  there's also the pinout of the "official" RGB mod.
Title: Re: Looking for Wondermega connector
Post by: NFG on February 03, 2009, 10:24:41 PM
Ah, I getcha.  Yes, it seems to be the same connector. 

I found it was also used on at least one piece of car audio equipment in Japan, I have a cable that I found in a junk shop once with that connector on it.  Dunno what it's called tho, sorry.
Title: Re: Looking for Wondermega connector
Post by: Tiido Priimägi on February 04, 2009, 12:40:00 AM
That connector only has mono audio, composhit and GND + 5V on it... I have a Wondermega for repair right now.
Title: Re: Looking for Wondermega connector
Post by: NeWmAn on February 04, 2009, 03:26:34 AM
Quote from: Tiido Priimägi on February 04, 2009, 12:40:00 AM
That connector only has mono audio, composhit and GND + 5V on it... I have a Wondermega for repair right now.

Yes, originally it comes like that and it's used to connect an RF modulator, if you check the link above you'll see the pinout.
After the 32x came out JVC did a modification/upgrade so the old units could output RGB from that connector.
Title: Re: Looking for Wondermega connector
Post by: l_oliveira on February 07, 2009, 12:29:07 AM
Maaaaan I would love so much to have an wondermega now ... :D

The first thing I would do in it would be dump the CD bios, hack it for region free (like I did with my Mega-CD bios) and them make a "hole-less" language switch with an 74LS74...

I know this deserve a new topic but:

By the way ... If anyone is interested we could start a project to unpack/patch/repack the SUB CPU bios for the MEGA/SEGA CD with the goal of making the bios be fully region free (for all discs). Is that interesting ?

I don't have enough knowledge to know how to unpack/expand the SUB CPU bios. If anyone who knows about 68000 programming and is willing to help I'd like to try hacking this stuff :)
Title: Re: Looking for Wondermega connector
Post by: Tiido Priimägi on February 07, 2009, 06:12:48 AM
I'm too busy to help...

I have BIOS dumps of Wondermega and Xeye I have at my place right now...