I want to do the S-video mod to my Genesis Ver. 2 I found the mod info http://www.gamesx.com/rgbadd/genesis3.htm (http://www.gamesx.com/rgbadd/genesis3.htm) but my question is will this mod work with different chips then the sony Sony CXA1645 ?
my Gen has a SKA2195D 318 chip in it. Doesn't say who made it.
Would the S video mod work? how would you know? I would assume it should.
I did a quick google search and found this information (http://members.optusnet.com.au/eviltim/gamescart/gamescart.htm) which comes by way of our very own never-logged viletim, with an exclamation point. Looks like you are out of luck.
Edit: Just searched again and yes, info from viletim (http://nfggames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1429&st=0&#entry9580), along with a photo for comparison with your equipment.
thanks for the link! but damn thats dissapointing.
heres so more info I found on the chip http://www.digchip.com/datasheets/parts/da...000/KA2195D.php (http://www.digchip.com/datasheets/parts/datasheet/000/KA2195D.php)