
NFG Forums => Console Mods => Topic started by: bmxfelon420 on May 04, 2006, 05:19:32 AM

Title: 15khz monitor
Post by: bmxfelon420 on May 04, 2006, 05:19:32 AM
I was wondering, does anyone know of a vga monitor that can take 15khz?  I was thinking it might be easier to buy one of those old nec syncmasters or a sony trinitron with rgb inputs, but those look like they use strange cables.  Is there an RGB cable that i can just buy, or do i have to make it?  If i make it, where do i get those (possibly wierd) connectors?
Title: 15khz monitor
Post by: GMG on June 13, 2006, 05:27:10 PM
Try to find an Amiga 1942 multisync. It will sync at 15khz (for NTSC, and PAL modes).
Title: 15khz monitor
Post by: kendrick on June 13, 2006, 05:45:41 PM
Check out this link, please. Best Electronics in Canada has an adapter that allows you to connect an Atari ST to a compatible VGA monitor, and they've thoughtfully produced a list of VGA monitors with low sync rates: (

-KKC, who should really work harder to find one of those monitors...