
NFG Forums => RGB + Video Discussions => Topic started by: WMJ on January 23, 2006, 03:18:34 AM

Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: WMJ on January 23, 2006, 03:18:34 AM
I've recently been looking for a way to connect my PAL n64 with s-video and SNES with RGB. I know PAL and NTSC consoles have slight differences in the output that makes using NTSC cables on PAL consoles and vice versa impossible without modification.
Then I came across this cable: (

Will this cable give me an s-video picture when used with the n64 or will I get no picture at all?
Will I get an RGB picture with a PAL SNES or will removing the capacitors be required?
If it doesn't work what cables would you guys recommend?

It's really confusing to see so many s-video and RGB cables online that simply say compatible with n64 and SNES, without saying whether it's for PAL or NTSC consoles.
Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: eek on January 23, 2006, 07:53:52 AM
Well the N64 can't do RGB without modification but s-video should work. Providing the cable you linked to actually does have RGB support and is not just a glorified composite cable (I bought a N64 "RGB" cable once which was composite only so beware).

Also, those cables which support more than one console can produce bad quality images. I bought a "Mad Catz" cable which supports s-video for Xbox, PS2, & Gamecube, but the amount of dot crawl it produced for a s-video signal eas unacceptable (it's like composite dot crawl made sharp!).

I have two s-video cables which I use for both my PAL and NTSC N64's. One thing I had to do with the PAL cable though, was put a 75ohm resistor to the luminance and ground lines to reduce the brightness and this weird ghosting effect I was getting with anything white in colour (I made a small extension so I didn't wreck the cable). It's not an issue with the NTSC N64.

I also heard somewhere that later model PAL N64's do not support s-video at all, but I can't confirm this. I know that PAL Gamecubes aren't supposed to have s-video support.
Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: WMJ on January 23, 2006, 09:37:59 AM
I had some slight hopes that cable would be a good solution for n64 s-video and snes rgb providing it has a fully wired scart lead but I think you're probably right about these multi-console cables because I've heard some more bad stories about them in the past.

I also already have an s-video lead for the n64 which provides a horrible picture that is much too bright and with the weird ghosting effect you mention. I only found out about the difference in PAL and NTSC n64's after I bought it.
It's this cable: (

So, would I be able to mod it with putting two 75 ohm resistors on the luminance and ground lines?  
Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: viletim! on January 23, 2006, 10:44:54 AM
Take a look at SNES RGB SCART Cable Diagram ( If you buy a cable that doesn't work correctly, this should be enough info to modify it. I don't know if a 75 ohm resistor (to ground) is required for the lumanance/chrominance for PAL syetems. Should be easy enough to find out.
Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: WMJ on January 23, 2006, 11:34:43 AM
Ok thanks.
I was just wondering if there were any RGB leads suited for a PAL snes or s-video leads for PAL n64 but if it comes down to having to mod the cable I'll do that then.
Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: eek on January 23, 2006, 11:35:28 PM
Modding a s-video lead for use on a PAL N64 is more dependant on your TV. My Sony WEGA (it's old), doesn't like the signal from a PAL N64 s-video, but my Commodore 1084s works fine. Since I use my telly for most of my "gaming", making a small adjustment wasn't a problem.

My advice: Get a s-video cable first and test it out on your TV. You might not have any issues at all.
Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: WMJ on January 24, 2006, 05:14:48 AM
I already have the s-video cable I mentioned in the above post and that one is definitely giving me problems on my tv (ghosting and too bright).
I tested it out at a friends house today and the same problems were on his tv. We tried it with a vga box as well and that only gave a too bright image and no ghosting. This was simply solved by tuning the brightness down a bit and that gave a pretty decent picture. I guess if I want to use it on my tv I'll just have to mod it.

Also, when capacitors are removed from a Gamecube RGB cable to work with a PAL SNES, will the cable still be useable for a Gamecube or will that result in an overly bright image?
Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: Vertigo on January 28, 2006, 02:27:05 AM
The capacitors are there for a reason. Removing them will alter your end result. Just buy a cable from Lik Sang for 3 quid. I've had loads off them for multiple systems and they work great.
Title: N64 s-video and SNES RGB
Post by: Guest on January 31, 2006, 04:53:40 AM
Thanks for the advise everyone.
I've bought a scart block with an s-video input that I've soldered two 75 ohm resistors to the luminance and ground to and it's working great now :). I'll just get one of those cables from lik-sang to get RGB on the SNES then.