
NFG Forums => Import Mods => Topic started by: jakdin on October 11, 2005, 03:52:57 AM

Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: jakdin on October 11, 2005, 03:52:57 AM
I know there's a similar topic like this, but my problem is a bit different.

How can I get my original Japanese Famicom to work on my US NTSC TV? I have the origianl RF-SWITCHER which came with the system.

The Antenna cable, on the RF-SWITCHER, which should plug into the TV is labelled at 75Ohms output. Do I need to get a different connector that will go from 75Ohms to 300Ohms?
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: kendrick on October 11, 2005, 04:42:56 AM
Channel frequency divisions in the U.S. are very different from those in Japan. Depending on what type of RF switcher you have, you might have to set your TV to VHF channel 13 or cable channel 96. And even doing that, you won't have a perfectly aligned signal.

It's best to hack a composite and audio output on such a beast, if you didn't get a Famicom that has those outputs built-in. If you must have RF output for whatever reason, then it might be necessary to hack in the RF circuitry from an American NES (or any other black box RF doohickey that accepts the right input.) Good luck.

-KKC, who's unusually terse today. :)
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: jakdin on October 11, 2005, 05:02:13 AM
Thank you for the explanation! :)

How do I go about HACKING/MODDING the composite and audio output?
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: kendrick on October 11, 2005, 06:47:31 AM
First, have a look at the GamesX link for the NES-2. It's not the same hardware, but the concepts are necessarily similar so it's best to know where you're going: (

Now that you've read through that five or six times, go to the NesDev pages and check out the Famicom schematic provided here: (

Now you're faced with the strange task of either using this information to find the pinouts and a walkthrough for adding the hack to a Famicom, or using the information provided in the links above to figure it out yourself. With a Google search I wasn't able to find any hack that wasn't specifically for American hardware, but that's probably because I wasn't looking hard enough. Now you should look at the bigger NesDev pages for more detailed information: (

And now get creative. Sorry I can't be more specific. Good luck.

Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: jakdin on October 11, 2005, 07:43:09 AM
Thanks, kendrick! I will trudge thru all this and see what I can do... MUCH APPRECIATED! :)
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: NFG on October 11, 2005, 07:43:22 AM
You can easily use an RF Famicom on a US/CDN TV if you:
1. bypass the auto-switchbox
2. Put your TV on channel 96 (give or take 1)
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: jakdin on October 11, 2005, 07:54:27 AM
I see... sorry to be such a newb and/or electrical dunce, but how would I bypass the Auto-Switchbox?
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: kendrick on October 11, 2005, 08:00:18 AM
Lawrence is talking about using a direct cable connection, I think. You get an adapter that lets you connect the F-type screw-on RF cable to an RCA-type slide-on cable and just hook the Famicom straight into the TV input.

I have a bunch of those adapters lying around, and no idea where I got them. Anybody got a link to the Radio Shack part number?

-KKC, who just ate too much.
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: jakdin on October 11, 2005, 08:48:44 AM
QuoteLawrence is talking about using a direct cable connection, I think. You get an adapter that lets you connect the F-type screw-on RF cable to an RCA-type slide-on cable and just hook the Famicom straight into the TV input.

I have a bunch of those adapters lying around, and no idea where I got them. Anybody got a link to the Radio Shack part number?

-KKC, who just ate too much.
So with this method, KKC, does the Famicom system need to be opened up for rewiring/soldering/etc?
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: kendrick on October 11, 2005, 08:56:26 AM
No, because you're using the RF output and not the separate composite and audio outputs. This is best if you want to use the stock RF signal or don't want to modify the console in any way.

-KKC, resisting the urge to open his lovely, lovely Neo AES.
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: jakdin on October 11, 2005, 09:04:36 AM
I'll go to RadioShack and see if I can find one of the cables you are referring to: one end connecting to the RF-SWITCHES F Screw and the other end a normal RCA plug for the TV.

I'll let you all know if this works.

Thanks! :)
Title: Origianl Famicom on NTSC TV?
Post by: Guest on October 11, 2005, 12:27:14 PM
It works!!! :lol:

I have to thank you all, especially Lawrence, for the advice/help.

I decided to just plug the RF-Switch in and tune the TV to channel 96...found that 95 works PERFECTLY.

YEAH! You don't know how happy I am now.

JakDin - Seriously happy retro-gamer!