There is an interesting MD Console utility called "GG2MD" designed for converting Game Gear games to Mega Drive format. If this program were able to work correctly or I could figure out how to properly perform the conversion, Game Gear games could be played on the MD/Genesis and thus be connected to a decent (RGB) monitor. Even if it's not possible for GG games, I would like to know how to do the conversion to SMS.
Well, I opened up the command-prompt and ran the's a little strange because you can select the output file (even its format). It says the program was made in 95 by use of the MGD2 reader (a flash cart add-on for the Genesis/MD years past) and makes the conversion possible. However, when I input a game gear or SMS game and select the output to a .smd file (the Genesis standard), I have no luck playing the game on any Genesis/MD. Could someone take a look at this and help me out? It would be incredibly awesome to have the ability to play GG games on Genesis.
I thought that i would add that this came from a little argument i had with him last night about being able to run game gear games on a genesis. Apparently this program must dissasemble the image and change the pallete to be suitable to the mega drive?
There are converters for playing Master System games on the Genesis. Has anyone used this with any game gear games?
where are the sms to MD converters? could you link me to one? I'd appreciate it at0m :)
Oh and BTW, I don't think it was a little argument, I was just voicing my experience on the matter. I still <3 you though my ISO friend :P
You forgot to log in a again :-p
Now by converter I meant adapter like this baby (
oh yeah, of course I know about those. I thought you meant a command prompt program like GG2MD...Can someone can take a look at that program for me?
Buy a Power converter for your genesis which lets you play SMS games on a Genny. Then get a Game Gear to SMS adaptor which lets you play GG games on SMS. You end up with three devices hooked up, the genny to the power converter to the other converter.