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How Run Games MegaLoMania On Sharp x68000 Emulators+Populous Promised Lands(ADD-on)

Started by Sugo77, December 06, 2023, 08:09:22 PM

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Hello again!
Next trouble...
From 3 months, i sucesfully runned by many methods about 49 games of 50 from HDD ( .HDS ) in Visuall Shell SX-Window, but only one game can't run...
This game named:
Mega Lo Mania
From Floppy Disks:
Megalomania (1993)(Imagineer)(Disk 1 of 2)
Megalomania (1993)(Imagineer)(Disk 2 of 2)
I saw this strategy from SEGA on other platform in video on YouTube...
But, i want solve problem with run this game on Sharp x68000...

I was try run and by use and this method(By use this commands in autoexec.bat), and from copy all files from Floppy Disks with game to folder and puted to HDD by use Disk Explorer, etc:
2hdboot -$4 -aDisk1.XDF -bDisk2.XDF

Disks of course i changed -bDisk1.XDF -aDisk2.XDF or even -aDisk1.XDF -bDisk2.XDF -aDisk1.XDF, etc... Anyway fail..

And from many methods from this page:

But, anyway, in end always gets one-same fail reult with this message:

Maybe somone can help and solve how this run, or this game just can't be run on emulators of Sharp x68000? Or maybe broken?(But, i downloaded for tests this game Megalomania from many sources, and always same failed result with run this game...)

Just this one game of 50 successfully runned and testes games, which i tested in 3 months cant run by many methods... :(
Even just from Floppy Disks From Drives!...(Always same fail result, with this message, which on screenshot)



That error message just says "Put Disk 1 in Drive 0."

I would guess your images are failing a copy protection check.


SuperDeadite, hm, by your words, this means i must try search other copies of tis game? Problem in protected copy of Flopy Disk with this game...
If talk true, i found and downloaded this game megalomania only from 2 different sourcers yet... Maybe both was same and both protected, hm...


After spended time i downloaded and testes:
Megalomania (1993)(Imagineer)(Disk 1 of 2)
Megalomania (1993)(Imagineer)(Disk 2 of 2)

from 4+ different sources-from different sites, resuls same - fail with run... :(


On the NFG Files Archive site is a HDF Image which (might) work from HDD (not tested from HDD).
I replaced the oped.x with the oped_hd.x from the hdf and the game seems to work from floppy.


Quote from: Jehuty on December 07, 2023, 02:24:37 AMOn the NFG Files Archive site is a HDF Image which (might) work from HDD (not tested from HDD).
I replaced the oped.x with the oped_hd.x from the hdf and the game seems to work from floppy.

Jehuty, you are have changed text\command in AUTOEXEC.BAT? Or also and in extracted\copied files from Floppy Disks to HDD from original file name OPED.X to name oped_hd.x?
Where exactly? Can you be more specific, please?


I have deleted the oped.x, copied oped_hd.x to the disk and renamed it.


Can you are share with link on this HDD ( .HDF ) with this ( Driver ) file oped_hd.x, please?
In PM, if not want here...
I can't found by myself... :(


can´t link the zip direct, i´m to stupid


Jehuty, thanks!
I also found this by googled in Google, and after began to try run this game not from their HDD Ready Image, but i want first run this game with new drivers(From their HDD Image) by this 3 methods from Floppy Disks...:

1. ( My favorite simple method, with driver 2HDboot.x ) :
2hdboot -$4 -aDisk1.XDF -bDisk2.XDF

2. ( By Using Driver 2HDSIM.x ) :
drive a: c:
drive a: b:
2hdsim 0: Disk1
2hdsim 1: Disk2

3 .:
drive a: c:
drive a: b:
2hdsim 0: Disk1
2hdsim 1: Disk2
2hdsim 1: Disk3

Just by putted drivers from their HDD ( .HDF ) with game MegaLoMania - to my HDD ( .HDS ) and to folder with Game, and to folder BIN on my HDD ( .HDS ) ... This drivers:

But, got fail with run game from Floppy Disks In Format .XDF ( Not in format .DIM ofcourse i converted formats in programm\utility vfic ) Now without message, which was on my screenshot, but just with black screen...
Jehuty, by using which method you are run game from Floppy? ( And from inside HDD by puting Floppy Disks on HDD in format .XDF or from Drives 0 ( a ), 1 ( b ) in format .DIM ? )


Jehuty, if you are not want say more specific about your own suesfully method of run Mega Lo Mania from Floppy Disks, then okay!
Anyway Big Thanks for even help with information about ready method of run Mega Lo Mania on HDD ( .HDF ) and for files \ links, information...
I just was want to knows much more methods for level up my knowdgess, but anyway thanks and for this!
+Only you are helped me, with solve problem with run this game, and now my collection up!...
Btw, ofcourse i put their game from their HDD ( .HDF ), to my HDD ( .HDS ), to Visuall Shell SX-Window, and ofourse this working from inside this by their working method...
+1 Good working game from good company Imagineer (Form Company Imagineer now 2 games - strategies ) to my big collection of different games Sharp x68000...

On screenshot 1, thsi just categories in folders...
For example in Category-In folder Mario, 2 different games about Mario.
In Folder-Category SailorMoon - 10+ Games about Sailor Moon.
In Category Marbles 4+ Games... etc...


Does this game actually work? I couldn't get past the setup screen where you choose an island, could not allocate troops to continue. Clicking and pressing keys have no effect.


incrediblehark, i will be testing this in free time for you are and will be sent results to here...
Also, incrediblehark, Global Moderator kendrick locked (I guess at spam messages not by theme and for negative) this topic about run Bishoujo Senshi Super Moon Fighter X (1995)(Sprite) on HDD from extracted files from Floppy Disks with game......

Please, if you are will get sucesfully, lucky solve with that, can you are give answer to me in PM or maybe to this site? I also dublicated this theme there...

I think only you are can do it...
I tried many times and by many methods from internet at spended a lot of time( 2021 -2023+ ), and still not get sucesfully results...(Because i not pro in it...)


Quote from: incrediblehark on December 10, 2023, 04:29:34 PMDoes this game actually work? I couldn't get past the setup screen where you choose an island, could not allocate troops to continue. Clicking and pressing keys have no effect.

incrediblehark, all working perfect!

Here all same how and in game from this same Company:
Powermonger (1991)(Imagineer)

Hard to control, but possible!... If you are spend time on it, you will be all to understand...

I only now saw, understand what you are was means, and on which step you are freezed...
You are need press on island on top on screen, after setting up number of soldiiers in your army!

For control army\units use Right Button of Mouse, when you are will get Resources, set army, and main what you are to need, get Icon of Mouse - Sword! This is for moves - teleportations of your army to base of enemy, and to attack enemy Units and Base of enemy on map 2!
Use and Left and Right Buttons of Mouse for play in this game!...
Hard, but possible understand how control all in this game, and what for what, and what depends of what, what for what... How and in Powermonger (1991)(Imagineer)... And maybe in Populous from this same cool company Imagineer of cool strategy games(I like this), i just will be testing this game in furture, in plans also!...

Beated First Island\Stage\Map "Aloha" as Green Army, ahahahahaha

Hard to control, very old, simple graphich(But, for me this not matter), not ver good music(LOL, but anyway... How in some Kingdoms, and Knights...), but anyway funny game, heh
i very love deep retro! :)
And main, what this game finally run, tested, and work! This was for me main...


incrediblehark, look on this, lol

I ven do not know how, but got this improved of my base, and Units on first stage\map... lol
Even dug a protective ditch near my base...

Good first analog of Warcraft and Starcraft in begin of 1990's, when was NES, SEGA, SNES yet, ha-ha...


Not wanting to go too off topic, but just to give credit where it is due.

Mega Lo Mania was created by 'Sensible Software' who made some of the most iconic Amiga games. Sensible Soccer being one.

Powermonger was made by 'Bullfrog' another company that made some cracking games. Check out Syndicate.

I had Powermonger back in the day. You should be able to find the Amiga manual on the Internet.

Mega Lo Mania had lots of sampled speech, I don't know if that is on the X68000 version?

I see there are also some 'Microprose' games on the HD Image. Microprose were big in the 3D simulator games market.

I don't know if Imagineer converted any other Amiga/Atari ST games? (Both computers used Motorola 68000, but Amiga had many additional custom chips a bit like the Sharp).

The Amiga is my main old computer interest.


Quote from: HIggy on December 11, 2023, 08:58:03 AMMega Lo Mania had lots of sampled speech, I don't know if that is on the X68000 version?

Time to time...


incrediblehark, after time and tests, i totally understand how to play in Mega Lo Mania from Sharp x68000:




Hope you too!...
This nice, fun and smart, hard, but interesing strategy, with not simple control, but if after spending time on it can be understandable...

Also want to ask about other...
How your progress with run game Bishoujo Senshi Super Moon Fighter X (1995)(Sprite) on HDD's?


Since your thread was locked I posted the solution for you in your reddit post. Maybe in the future we should post software related issues/fixes in the X68000 Software section of the forums.


Quote from: incrediblehark on December 17, 2023, 02:12:14 AMSince your thread was locked I posted the solution for you in your reddit post. Maybe in the future we should post software related issues/fixes in the X68000 Software section of the forums.
I am sorry that my "dispute" with @Sugo77 was the cause of the thread closure, and I apologize here to him if I misunderstood his messages.
But, I agree with the suggestion to use the Software section for discussions like this! ;)

And I am waiting for your new HD image!


No worries!

And I am making steady progress. I apologize for the extra delays but I think everyone will be happy with it, and I am using the time to add more content as well, can't have a big update without adding more games/etc!


incrediblehark, solved!
You are superman!
Thanks you very much as your brains!
After many years i finally runned Sailor Moon X(2 versions of this game) from HDD!
I'm happy! :)


I just replied to your Reddit post, good to hear you got it solved!


incrediblehark, hello again!

Again me and agin new pronlems with run games...
Now again new hard problem and again can't run...
Now again from Compamy Imagineer...
Game name Populous Promised Land, from one Floppy Disk:
Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer)
or same:
Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer)[a]

This game rquired install...
I know how install games on HDD, by use command Install from\inside DOS...
In old times, in 2019 year, i even installed hard to istall game, which was also need [Req Install] Super Street Bomber X (19xx)(Dragon Studio)[Req Install], me was helped one friend from my Country in old times in old times, now he is always busy...

This game Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer) from Imagineer, can't be installed by old method, this game even have own instalator inside Floppy Disk ( INSTALL.X driver, which different from base Instalator of Sharp x68000 )...
Screenshot №1:

So, when i try Install game from Floppy Disk A to my HDD C,
Screenshot №2:

always this error:
Screenshot №3:

I not sure, what this error mean(On Japanese Language), but i guess (Maybe), this game also protected how and Mega Lo Mania, whcih also from same Company Imagineer?

Also, i was try to do next:
Copied All files from Floppy Disk Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer) to my HDD(Copied their INSTALL.X to folder BIN, and even removed their driver and tried used default Install in DOS, anyway alwaways was getted fail results... :(
Screenshot №4:

Screenshot №5:

incrediblehark, i saw on your HDD Image, games Populous and Populous 2, which and me runned easy on my HDD with SX-Window, but not this game...
So, question, you are also tryed run this game and also got fail with run or not try yet?...
Plus, any ideas and from other people who maybe know solutions, or maybe someone know, where can found and can downloading maybe already installed and working this game on HDD?


incrediblehark, after spend some time, i found in internet This Manual on Japanese Language, about How To Install this game Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer) from Imagineer:
1.: This Manual an Japanese Language...
2.: I was try translate by picture, but translators working not correct, and i still not understand what need to do...
3.: I think, this Manual maybe for Real hardware, not for Emulators of Computers Sharp x68000...
Not sure...


Quote from: Jehuty on December 07, 2023, 03:21:31 AMI have deleted the oped.x, copied oped_hd.x to the disk and renamed it.

Jehuty, only today 21.12.2023 i understand how repair and from Floppy Diskets game Mega Lo Mania by this your method!... :)
Thanks x2...
I always just was use Copy All from Floppy Disks to HDD, but never, never, never the other way around! :)
I'm upgraded my knowdges, and opened something new for myself in Shapr x68000... Leveled my up in knowdgess! :)
Also(After tests), if run Mega Lo Mania from Floppy Disks or from this Method\Script\Command:
2hdboot -$4 -aDisk1.XDF -bDisk2.XDF
Game not have visual glitches(On maps, +on some strong improved units), which have if run from HDD, if all files in one folder...

Btw, how i can remove files in DOS?(Which Command for this) I can remove files only in SX-Window...

Btw, question about Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer) still actual and opened to all...


Today 22.12.2023, i was try used other differents methods, from example:
1.: Was try install from Floppy Disk A to Floppy Disk B or from B to A, and this even said "Installed and can be run after reset Machine", but in fact no!...(I checked and on Floppy Disks, and in DOS, and in SX-Window)

Also, i saw on Floppy Disk, which named:
Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer)[a]
Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer)
Additional contetnt files inside:

But, from this Floppy Disk, i even can't install files, i do not know why... Always error with this message:

2.: By manual, i was try use in first Drive 0, Floppy Disk, with Human68 System:
Human 68k v3.02 (1993)(Sharp - Hudson)[a]
In Drive 1, Floppy Disk, with game:
Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer) 
And after, when loaded DOS, i changed Disks from DOS on Disk with game:
Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer)
And again was try install... This said installed, but in fact again no!
And when i just reset machine\emulator, then Floppy Disks just auto ejected, i even do not know why... Maybe protected, maybe i found broken floppy disks with this game, maybe glicth, maybe i do somthing wrong?

Any additional ideas from anyone?

Added after spended time...
I found different Floppy Disks, with this same game in other format .HDM:
Populous - The Promised Lands.HDM
Populous - The Promised Lands [Set 1].HDM
But, inside this Floppy Disks same content with same files,

and this also gived all same results when try installed...
But, just not not give error when installed from A to B or from B to A, but if from A or B to HDD C, again error, with this message:

Added again latter...
Also i was try to do next...:
From insade of 2 HDD's(And from Visual Shell SX-Window), i also was try installing this game from one HDD to other HDD, but still fail... And i was try to do from 2 different Floppy Disks with this same game, which must work from one Floppy Disk:
Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer).DIM
Populous - The Promised Lands.HDM

Files in folder DATA:

Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer)[a].DIM
Populous - The Promised Lands [Set 1].HDM

Files in folder DATA:

Any additional ideas from anyone?(How install and\or run this game from HDD or from Floppy Disks?) Maybe someone have links with successfully installed and runns this game on HDD?

This protected game or what?(For example - protected from copy or install, i not sure...)

And again added later...
But, if you are try installed this game from\inside HDD to HDD, then new error:

This said something about rename on Promise Land, and then only Install... I also was try to do and this, anyway even not begin Installing from HDD...


incrediblehark and others, after spend additional time(2 days from begin of work at tryings solve this problem to run Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer), i found information here:
, what Populous Promised Land by Imagineer this is "Add-on disk for Populous", and then, with this new infromation(For me, because i before i even do not was know, what in old times also was addons how DLC in our modern times for games), well, after new information i went to check and compare the contents of the DATA folders in the original Populos and Populous Promised Land, and this was different!
For example, i will use Populos game from HDD Image by incrediblehark
Screenshot №1:

After i was try add\Install all from Populous Promised Land to original Populous on Floppy Disks by use their driver INSTALL.X which was in their Floppy Disk Populous Promised Land, and this said onn japanese "sucesfully installed"(I was translated by picture), but in fact again no!
Then i just was use command Copyall in DOS, and copied all files from Floppy Disk Populous Promised Land to HDD Image by incrediblehark, but only to folder Data, and got this:
Screenshot №2:

After i go testing game, but got this just in begin of this game...: :(
Screenshot №3:

Btw, i not saw something new or different in game Populous after when i added files from folder Data to original Data of game Populous from Floppy Disk Populous Promised Land:
Screenshot №4:

Btw, i even not sure add-on acepted or no, working or no or just because this need something changing in script\!Start.BAT by incrediblehark or also was need copyed files not only to Data folder, but files only in data, in other 1 main root of this Floppy Disk, only Install.X files...
This add-on have glitches or i not correct installed or not sure...

incrediblehark, strange, i can't run games on my HDD ( .HDS ) by your !Start.BAT in main root of games with 2 parts, for example Populous(With games\folders Populous1 Populous2) or SpaceSoldier(With games\folders SpaceSoldier1 SpaceSoldier2), but in folders 1 and 2 by each games, they run fine! :) I guess, this because your script for your HDD Image, and your driver inside this... Maybe i just not have some drivers or need change command to my HDD, i gues in this reason, but i just not pro in it...
Anyway, want say additional thanks to you man and for this! Great work+additional thanks for game
Game - Shmup, 3D Vector Game,
Space Soldier II (1992)(Studio Theta)
Space Soldier II, by Studio Theta, published by the doujin circle Amusement Makers in 1992
I was search this game long time and found only on your HDD Image!

For complete happiness, it remains only to deal with Populous Promised Land until the end...(I sure this also possible...)

Btw, by this Manual at Japanese Language maybe said something about how run this ADD-ON Populous Promised Land (19xx)(Imagineer), but this all on japanese language, and the translators by pictures, which in internet working not ideal... I can't understand correct this manual... :(
There is 3 Pages even...


When I was setting up populous on my image I think I encountered a similar issue when trying to install the expansion pack, promised lands. It's been a while so I can't quite remember but I ended up not bothering with it. I may try to go back and see if I can get them to work together if I have time.


incrediblehark, man hello!
I happy what you are back, wait a second my friend, i got something after spend another hours...
Will share with results in minutes...


incrediblehark, after spend another hours, got something new!...
Screenshot №1:

Screenshot №2:

Screenshot №3:

Screenshot №4:

If i correct to understand, in Manual to this Disk Populous Promised Land saids someting about what first by ADD-On Disk must be EDO, i think this EDO sprites on this Map now!...

How i got this, but only by using Floppy Disks?
Just inserted first Floppy Disk with original game Populous to Drive 0 ( A ), and when original game Populous loaded i inserted to Second Drive 1 ( B ) Disk Populous Promised Land , then for me this gived DOS environment in which I installed the content from ADD-on Disk Populous Promised Land from B to A, with original disk A, and this was sucesfulled!(Said that on Japanese Language). Then i just reset machine\emulator, and by Manual(Not sure how to correct on or time), just by random methods: Presssing in menu some text+pressing buttons ESC i was aborted process, and then i for a chance and test just changed disks in Drives  0 ( A ) to 1 ( B ), i means i insert to A Disk with ADD-on Populous Promised Land and to Disk B Original Game Populous, and then i got this Sprites from Ages of EDO with units Samurais, lol

But, man, this just from Floppy Disks... Totally not sure how to do this on HDD's... Lol and heh and eh... :( :)
Plus, i even not sure in than this sucesfully installed content from 1 floppy disk to other, because no space for this, and only on one game always, means temporary installed(Or even not installed or installed in "Temp Folder" which will be autoremoved when Floppy with Addon will be ejected and after again need will be instert and again need will be installing additional content to original disk with original game Populous), this all strange for me, but works... But, only form Floppy Disks...
I guess this will be Very Hard mission for run this all correct on our HDD Images, heh...(Now i even not sure this possible even or no, after time and tests, and when saw how need run this addon even on Floppy Disks... This OMG how hard...)

Also, what i understand after time and tests aout this game and this ADD-on Promise Land...
If you are typed in "WORLD TO CONQUER" word GENESIS, this will be first Map, but with other sprites of Units and buidings on first map(Not sure about next maps, i just beginer in this game...):

Also, in Japanese Manual to this ADD-on Promise Lands, saids, what we are can change our sprites\skins\army models even to Western Style, etc, but not sure how and when... Maybe this will be in next mission-map-location... But, in Manual somethings say about use "Insert" for select and changing, i tested and anyway not understand how, where and when, heh...


Did you figure it out? I attached a floppy disk of Populous with the Promised Lands expansion installed. Try using
this disk and let me know if it works for you.

EDIT: Looks like you already got this part completed.

EDIT 2: Removed floppy attachment


incrediblehark, man, no i not solved this yet...
Understand only how to do on Floppy Disks yet, lol... :( :)
Will try in free time your files, thanks...
Now i just must to go in RL for doing my things...(Was at PC full day...)
After back to house again, will be agin try to do new attemps... Was doing 1001 attemps, but all was fail yet, heh
Maybe with your files will some luck...
In free time, will be testing and sending results to here...


incrediblehark, i mean main mission run this ADD-on on HDD...
From Floppy Disks, yes, i understand how run ADD-on...
From\on HDD no...


incrediblehark, i fast tested your Floppy Disk Populous Promised Land Installed
Not working for me...
Game just loading to Menu, with insert name od thy(Even not sure what this and not remember in original game), and next loading next menu with insert which World will be Using "This Shield"(Or something like this message), and then Machine\Emulator just reseting always, or putted me to my SX-Window , HDD Image... Strange... Even if i puted to Drive B original game Populous...(Anyway same error and autoreload Machine\Emulator) Very strange and bugged...
Okay, on this step, i must to go...
Will be latter for give any answers or do new tests...


incrediblehark, okay.
They call me tommorow to doing things in Real Life, not today now heh, to late for today now... Plus here almost night, but anyway i want on AFK for hour or some...
Pre AFK, i just want add this message... 
On your Floppy Disk Populous Promised Land Installed, i not saw this files in folder DATA from Floppy Disk Populous Promised Land:

With additional Lands and Sprites...
I saw on your Floppy Disk "Populous Promised Land Installed", files only from original Populous... Maybe this why gived error...


Ok, try these disks. I can get the game to load but not sure of the differences between promised lands and original populous. I think there are supposed to be extra maps so maybe that would be a good indicator?

These floppies aren't bootable - copy them to your HDD, make sure all files from DATA folder from each disk goes together. There is no !Start.Bat on this, but you will want to use the following commands in it:


Let me know if it works!

EDIT: Removed attachment


Okay, i will be testing in run of ~hour-two and will be senting results...


incrediblehark, man, i copied all(By this command Copyall in DOS) your content from 2 your  Floppy Disks:
Populous Promised 1
Populous Promised 2
To my HDD with SX-Window to one folder Populous, and when i try run game by use Populous.X, this is runned only to menu, in which need type name of World, "Which world will be use this shield" or some, then always error with this message:

And after this me autoputted to Visual Shell SX-Window...

How and in previous situation with previous files i think...
I was try translate by picture, and i think this said something about FM sound driver or some, maybe my HDD Image just not have this driver?