x68000 keyboard issues

Started by pmack, August 15, 2018, 03:37:12 PM

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Hello all
I bought a x68000 keyboard and some of the keys are not working. They are all clustered around the numpad area. Does anyone here have experience fixing these keyboards? Any tips? This is the PRO keyboard (squared shape one), not sure if that matters. Any tips are appreciated!


Keyboards work across different models. This could be a broken trace on the keyboard circuit. No way of knowing unless you open it up and have a look.


I've finally found some time to work on this and thought it would be interesting to provide some info here. I was expecting this keyboard to have the usual Alps SKCL Green switches, but that was not the case at all. It had rubber dome switches! This is the first x68k keyboard I've seen to have such switches. The actual problem was that the board has some dirt on it (not a lot, really!) so I used some contact cleaner on it and everything worked great after that. I am attaching some pics for anyone who is curious. It's funny because at first the rubber domes seem to be glued to the board but they are really not. So much so that you have to put them back on the switches and then put the board on top of it when it's time to reassemble. Pretty weird design if you ask me!