Man Jailed in UK for posession of Mod Chip

Started by -Martin-, April 11, 2006, 03:08:09 AM

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While this person is obviously no squeaky clean man.
I believe it is wrong for modding consoles to be illegal.
The UK and America are becomming like Nazis.

Same shit, different ass hole. <_<  


Hey man, mod chips here in the USA are completley legal as long as they don't contain copyrighted code on them like a modfiied bios. Its what you do with them thats illegal. The real question is, what system did he chip? If it was an XBOX and he had gigs and gigs of games on a hard drive then hell yeah, prosecute him. If it was a playstation one I think Bush needs to declare war on our only allies the UK.

EDIT- I just re-read the article and it says mod-chips are illegal in the US. I'm not so sure thats true. Segasonicfan or Kendrick?
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


I think this is why Sony is making the PS3 region free for games.  Here in Australia Sony lost their case against a mod chip dealer when the competition and consumer commision found that using them to play imports is legal.  


the way it was worded, i have a feeling they're lumping all modchips together. the way i understand it, chips that allow you to play copied games are illegal because they are designed to bypass the copy protection. and there's some law about that. i'm not sure where the ones that only deal with region fit in. i don't know why they would be illegal. of course, considering the people that make these laws tend to be rather clueless on the subject, and they take people like jack thompson seriously... *shrug*


Ones that bypass copy protection should also be legal.
I'm not talking from a piracy perspective.
Constitutional rights claim that you should be able to develop your own software for any platform you care to as long as the software is neither maliscious or infringing copyright law.

Looks like the days of the bedroom programmer are over. :(