Started by Xeperelite, July 26, 2011, 08:07:20 AM

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Hi all, my name is James. Long time reader, first time poster.
I've been messing around with game console mods for a few years but nothing too extravagant, although I do have a pretty awesome frankenstein genesis model one.
Anywho on to the reason I'm posting here today. I've always been interested in trying to get the best possible video quality out of my older gaming systems.
Recently I decided to invest some money into a SCART to HDMI adapter, as you probably know that some systems output RGB directly. Since SCART cables have the 220uf caps built in
I decided this was the easiest way to get RGB. I bought a snes and PSone SCART cable and a SCART to HDMI converter from ebay. According to the seller, the converter auto detects 50/60HZ RGB,
and displays accordingly as well as composite video (CVBS). After testing both cables, the converter seems to display CVBS, not RGB. There are no buttons on the converter to change this.
I removed the composite pins from both cables and now I get "no signal" msg from the converter, even though there is a picture. It is however out of sync....

Having said all that, is it possible that the converter is defective? Or have I missed something here.. I apologize if this is a easy fix, or a commonly discussed topic. I can't seem to find an answer anywhere.

opinions and suggestions are most welcome. Thank you


There are some devices that say they're SCART-friendly but they're only composite video devices, not RGB.  By disconnecting the composite video, you've also disconnected the SYNC, which is probably why you're not getting a signal anymore.

You may want to use a sync separator like the LM1881 to send a straight sync signal to your device, but you may also want to do some research and see if it's actually an RGB SCART converter.


Post the details of the device you bought,even the ebay link if you can.