Analog Sticks on controller pads being actuated by a digital Fighgting stick.

Started by tripletopper, May 27, 2011, 06:18:27 AM

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I've found a company who can help me realize my dream controller.   It's ambidextrous, and has buttons and stick directions remapable in many different ways.   I found 2 companies that can do what I want.  OIne is Gimpgear.  They have a versatile manual hookup method, which can hook lots of controllers to actuate any control and any control can be actualted in a digital or analog manner.  . The only problem, It's too expensive for someone who only wants to remap buttons. (It's perfect for handicapped people who want to play games,  but too expensive for being a fighitng game button remapper, and only that.  And I don't need to actually acutate an analog pad in an analog manner.  The other company is They've got a device more designed for able-bodied payers, where you can map any direction and any button as any function, EXCEPT THE ANALOG STICKS.

There's 2 games I can think of where I need the analog sticks to work, but actuated in a digital manner.  One is Super Smash Bros. series, the other is Metal Slug Anthology.   Both use the analog stick for movement, EXCLUSIVELY,  but a physical digital stick might be better. (For Metal Slug I understand the Playstation 2 version lets you use arcade sticks.   My brother prefers the easiness of a Wi game upstairs, and says it's too much trouble to lug a PS2 upstairs, and it's not compatible with a PS3.  I'm just assessing the field, seeing what's my best option).

Evil controllers said that they be able to make a DB35 controller, which has button remaps, and can map to an analog stick press if the analog sticks can be wired into one pin on a DB35.  If someone out there wants a job of wiring up an analog stick so it can be actuated by a button or digital joystick press, knows how to do it, do it for every console that has an analog control, dating al the way back to the Atari 5200, and might be able to turn it into a regular job if Evil controllers decides to use my design as more than a one-shot just for me, let me know. Tell me what console you can do the analog wiring for, how much each would cost, (assuming the user pays to ship it there and back, the user provides a sacrificial controller, and the user pays for half of a DB35 M-M cord), what systems do you know how to do well, which ones you'll need to do research for, (Cost difference may indicate easiness of puling it off) if you'll do the purely digital wiring too, and if so, how much extra for that?

If you want to post it to the world, type it in here.   If not, email me to my public email address on the forums.


just going to through this out there.

My project is mainly a way to use console controller on a usb port.  I just happen to have an all digital directional mode. For example if you have a n64 and press L + R + pause ( aka calibrate mode ) you will go in to a digital mode where analog up is digital up, etc... then the same to exit.  I support all controllers this way that have analogs. n64, dc, gc, etc.. That is except for the psx and saturn that already have this.  Pricing is not bad so if this is what your are after check out the link.


I'm not looking to play classic controllers on a PC emulator.  I'm looking to use a custom joystick on various real consoles.  I think you got it in reverse.


gotcha, same thing could be done but you need to program for the console you want in stead of usb like I do. I know a large number of people that do this, but they ae not very polite and dont take request.