RGB from MSX & PcEngine on a LCD Help !!

Started by Guilian Seed, August 23, 2007, 07:48:59 PM

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Guilian Seed

Hi everybody !  ;)

I need your help !
I'm a happy owner and user (of course !  :lol:  :lol: ) of a Japanese MSX Turbo-R and a modified RGB Pc Engine Duo...
And I want to plug them on a LCD TV/Monitor...
It's not so difficult, sure... I'll already try on my LCD TV and a VGA box and it's working of course. BUT I'm looking for a special video effect !
I want to see and play on my screen with a scanlines effect...
I know that the great XRG2+ can make this. But euh... I find it nowhere...
So I have this question: does it exist another converter or a electronic schema for make  a homebrew super powerfull marvelous great video converter ???

Thanks a lot for your ideas & infos !

Greetx from France,

Guil' (from www.msxcafe.com)