X68000 AztecMonster Setup

Started by Tw3ek, August 21, 2014, 01:02:48 PM

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Hello all.

I dropped an AztecMonster into my Super HD today and went to boot from floppy per the instructions on the wiki (http://gamesx.com/wiki/doku.php?id=x68000:hard_drive_on_sasi_machine)

When I go to change directories to the sxsi directory, it tells me one does not exist. I assume it is because the disk of Human68k I have does not contain the SCSI driver? The 1st image is mine, the 2nd image is the correct one from the wiki:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  :)


Hi Tw3ek !

SxSI is only required for SASI machines. SUPER has SCSI so all you need to do is run SWITCH.X and specify the SCSI ID of your Aztec Monster.

SxSI driver, in case you still need it, can be found in this image:

SxSI V5 with DMA patch Translated by Eidis

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Excellent! That combined with a funky jumper on the board was causing the issue. Thanks!