Think I ruined my Sega Saturn, accdently removed common pad.

Started by lov2xlr8, May 15, 2009, 03:31:47 PM

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So, I think I skunked my Sega Saturn. I was on a modding streak, I installed a neobitz and socketed my neogeo aes, socketed and chipped my Ecu for my daily driver and fixed my moms laptop. I went to do the region mod for my Sega Saturn and I think I killed it. I managed to rip up the common pads on the jumpers. I got one of the wires connected, another one the wire came off along with the pad.  Should I be looking on ebay for a new Saturn or is there a way to fix this?


It may not be easy now you've lifted the trace, but you can probably track it back to the hitachi microcontroller that all the jumpers feed to, and attach your wires to the chip directly.  I have schems, somewhere...


Okay cool that'd be great, I was worried I had killed my system. Even though they go pretty cheap, i'd  rather fix it my self. I think my issue was my wire was too thick. Next time i'll use the cable from inside an Ethernet cord.


Here's the schematic for the chip in question.  I'm not sure it's in all Saturn revisions, but I think it is.


You are a god amongst men. Worked perfect, I did a quick test, I connected jumper 5 to the 5v on the psu and dusted off my copy of Dracula X I was able to boot it the first time ever cold with out the need for my st key or proaction replay. Thanks. You saved my Saturn. Now to finish the switch and finish Panzer Dragoon RPG.


sorry to bump an old thread, but I had this exact same problem way back in the day.  I managed to solder a wire to the little pass-through connection that bridges a trace on the top and bottom of the board, though, because I was too dumb to follow it back to whatever IC it was connected to.

My relevant point of info was that if you have a spare 80-conductor IDE cable laying around anywhere, the individual wires make for GREAT mod fodder.  Their gauge is so thin, it's almost impossible to stress a copper trace off of a board (unless of course you burn it off with too much heat :P )
"123 years ago, when I was born, this world was a very different place. In those days, we obeyed gravity. Now we defy it."
Pierre Belmondo, CEO of the AG Race Commission. June 8th, 2127