Turn a NES into a hand held?

Started by Ebay Addict, February 05, 2005, 08:07:32 AM

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Ebay Addict

I was wondering how you would combine an NES and a GBA so you could play NES games on the GBA.  Is this possible?


Even the top-loading NES has really large components that would be very difficult to jam into the GBA shell. To be brief, it's easier (and off-topic) to resort to emulation in order to play NES games on a portable system. Why bother with rearranging or compressing components when you can substitute software for all their functions?

BTW, your handle interests me. How often have you been ripped off on eBay? I've been taken one too many times, and now I won't buy on eBay. I also tell everybody I know to stay away and use any alternative, because every cent they make is a cent they spend on defrauding people. But again, with the off topic.

-KKC, digging on PSO episode III...


Ebay's perfectly safe.  I've got over 1100 feedback (mostly as a seller though) and I've never been ripped off.  The trick is not to bid on scams.

And by perfectly safe I mean a smart person can learn to spot a scam easily.

Pay attention to the wording, check the seller's feedback, and don't buy from people who make more than three spelling mistakes in a listing.  If you keep your wits about you and do your research you'll have no problems.


Avoiding the scams is not the issue. The issue is that both Paypal and eBay turned me away flat when I reported such a scam. It would only have cost them $150 to pay me what I lost and go after the dirty seller, but they decided it was more worthwhile to lose my business. I take it really personally that a multi-million dollar company didn't want to make a little bit of extra effort to keep me as a customer. As much as I'd like to use them, I won't until they make good on that loss in a way that doesn't involve me spending ten times as much on legal fees and private investigation services.

That's the issue I have with eBay, and I still recommend that people not use them. I was really interested to hear how their revenues were down nearly half what they original forecasted for the fourth quarter of 2004, which makes me think a stock delisting is in their near future.

Sorry, still off topic. You can I can debate this private offline if you're still interested in winning me over. How do I get back on topic?

Oh yeah, why not an existing NES portable, like the Game Axe or the... what was the name of the other thing, the Top Guy? As much as I like to build my own, it's hard to get motivated to do so when somebody else has already built one and sells the thing.

-KKC, hiding from the Super Bowl in a city that can't handle it.


I'm not interested in winning you over so much as I am interested in keeping this to the facts.  Blanket assertions without facts serve no one.

The GBA is a shitty console to do anything with.  The quality of its screen is really terrible and unless you buy one of those TV->GBA devices you'll never get video to appear on it.


Without belaboring the point, and because it doesn't happen enough... Lawrence, after reflection I want to apologize for co-opting this thread to vent on an unrelated, off-topic subject. I appreciate the work and the time you put into all your sites, and I hope that my little jaunt into the world of hostility doesn't sour you on providing those services. At the same time, I appreciate the restraint you've shown in leaving my posts on the board, off-topic as they are.

Anyway, just trying to increase the amount of good karma in the world. Hope I succeeded.

-KKC, digging on the original Knights of the Old Republic. It's like being in a Star Wars movie. For 50 hours...


Meh, off topic happens.  Don't sweat it.

Besides, I'm feisty.  If no one gives me a reason to argue I'd be bored.  =D


Just buy a Game Theory Advance, it looks like a GBA, has the same dimensions, plays Famicom games, and has a much better screen. Maybe you could butcher a GBA and put the GTA circuits and screen in it, but there'd be little point.


just thought i'd fix this.. its called a "Game Theory Admiral" not " G. T. Advance"



this portable famicom seems to be the best one out.
the game theory admiral is meant to be really cheaply built.


Quotethis portable famicom seems to be the best one out.
the game theory admiral is meant to be really cheaply built.
The GTA is not bad at all, granted it looks a bit iffy, but the screen is pretty good, and it's backlit. I had one for a little while, til I realised I could sell it for a profit on eBay. You're also able to shake the thing without it glitching, which is better than I can say for an original Famicom - you can't even touch ours without it crashing. And I'm pretty sure you could splice it into a GBA casing and use the better D-pad. The 3 batteries instead of 2 would proove hard to intergrate though.

It does have the sound issues that every bootleg Famicom has, I don't know if this one you posted fixes this.

One thing that sort of annoys me is how every one of these bootlegs has AV out, yet nobody has ever thought of doing this with an official handheld. It would be awesome to have AV out on the PSP and DS, as their graphics are decent enough to look OK on a big screen. Certainly in the case of the PSP, with its movie output - not having AV out seems pretty dumb. Hell, they could integrate RGB out with a micro sized plug, and ha ve the video/svideo conversion on the lead if they didn't want to jam extra crap into the machine.


if you've got a GBA SP, you could buy one of those famicom time machines off ebay. (GBASP addon that lets you play Famicom games) also, good luck finding a top guy.  :rolleyes:  there were less than 1000 made, they were assembled by hand, and finding one is like finding the holy grail. literally.


I've actually got a GBA Movie Player, which also accomplishes the goal of playing NES/Famicom games on the GBA. I haven't played the NES Classics series of games to compare, but I'm personally disappointed by the quality of NES emulation on the GBA. My main complaint is that the TV image is scaled so that it all fits inside the lower resolution screen. That's not so bad for the old arcade or platform titles, but it makes some of the RPG and adventure games impossible to play.

Next spare $300 I get, I'm probably going to bite the bullet and pick up a GP32, which has a 320x240 screen and handles TG-16 and NES emulation flawlessly. Or maybe I'll make a credit card payment.

-KKC, who now has a spiffy belt-clip case for his GBA SP. And it doesn't fit over my big cowboy-sized belt. Dammit.