Snes Interface Help

Started by atom, October 15, 2004, 10:20:53 AM

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I finally got around to building one of these.
Rather then making the cable i got fancy and made a pcb. I think one of my lines got crossed, or is lost. I attempted to install DPadPro and later realized it was for 9x only. I then downloaded PPJoy, and now see the problem. When scanning the controller, none o f the buttons work, except for the  B button which shows up as all buttons being pressed at once. HELP! In the meantime I am going to test the PCB to see if I can figure out what went wrong so if anybody has any clue what happened tell meh.

EDIT: OH GOSH! I made the usual dumbass move of not fully checking the wiring before posting a stupid question. I connected one of the lines to the wrong pin. Sorry lawrence.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN