what the f*ck? mission stick is light reactive?

Started by ulao, December 20, 2009, 01:13:07 PM

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Could some one kindly tell me I'm on crack? So I have here a nothing special usb to saturn adapter I made.  Works just fine on all saturn controllers even the mission stick. Only that the analog on the mission stick reacts to light. Or heat.. In this video I have a 60 watt light bulb. And as you can see moving my hand in the way, or turning off the lite adjusts the analog circuits.   Anyone have a thought here on the light?

link to avi

Ok bit of an update. If I keep the light off and plug in the power ( usb ) all works fine. but having the light on or close to the controller when I turn on the power , messes up the analog and effects it as show in the video. So there is something in there doing this, my guess is a force feedback controller.


No, it's really based on infra red LEDs and photo diodes. There is reflective pads on the throttle and the 4 way stick that are used to measure the position.
If you clean the white pads on the bottom of the stick tower it may work properly again.  If that don't help, try to film it with a cellphone camera to see if the infra red LEDs are powering up...
Without them the controller won't work.



Ok reading your post over a few times I think I get what your saying, can you confirm?

The sticks position is measured by internal photo diodes. , possibly the same with the throttle. And infrared is also use internally ?

And if you happen to know, what the sub controller port for?



by tower  do you mean analog stick? I tried the stick in the other port and the triggers only work, no analog.

Thx for your help.


It's for a second stick tower...

And I think you need to send a command to the controller to "flip a switch" and read the sub port as it would be a waste put another set of A/D converters for the second stick tower if they can just use the original ones...


Specific games can make use of the second stick (Panzer Zwei comes to mind) but it's not a compulsory function as far as I'm aware of. Every game that uses analog stick input can run with just the one stick just fine.


Well here is the kicker.. I have in my possession the analog protocol from the patent. And there is no second x,y analog data. I do have 3 extra bits that are not used but that is not enough to get another sticks worth of analogs data.  I can post this protocol if someone here tells me its not violating the rules of the board.


When I said there were a "switch" to flip whioch stick was being read, I meant that it would be multiplexed, so you would read the second stick using the same A/Ds you use to read the main stick. So they would come on the same bits as the main stick.


Ahh, I bet that is what they use s2 ( pin6) for..  AKA   +5v (Inp)