need info on tectoy saturn

Started by guest_radorn, February 08, 2006, 01:53:25 PM

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I may have the posibility of getting one or two saturns from tectoy thanks to a friend that's going on a trip to brazil.

I have been searching for 3 weeks in forums and sites like this with not much luck.
I really first knew about such a thing existed on a gamesx wiki page on saturn region modification, searched about it and voil�, it's a brazilian company that still manufactures them (okay, I know you already knew that, but it was a nice surprise to me).

I may want some, because I may be able to get them brand new and at a low price.

But I need to know more about it first, like if it caps RGB or is "modchip proof" in some way. what kind of video signal does it output? PAL, NTSC, PAL60? (I read somewhere official formats in brazil are PAL60/M and some variation of NTSC, but I'm not sure).
what can and can't I do TO and WITH it.

It is a licensed product, yeah, but they always like to change a thing or two to screw say... involved folks  :rolleyes: right?

Any bit of information is highly apreciated.


I say if you're going to get something cheap and unique, who cares?  Buy it and crack it open and find out.

That said, I'd bet money it's a PAL-M Saturn with a bog-standard mobo, same as any other Saturn.


So you know nothing for sure about it ...

hehe, sorry for being so direct, but I really prefer to be sure about it before buying. If it is just to get one and see what it has inside, well, I would rather pick one and fiddle with it, but. I have no saturn, never had one actually, not really played any saturn game like... ever... (yeah, as strange as it may sound, I'm actually looking for some OLD games I never played before, just because I find them appealing, not for nostalgia)

I want it to play games, and mod and fiddle with it in anyway I see fit.

[silliness deleted by NFG]

If I know what to spect from it, I'll most surely get two, one being the backup if I screw with the first, or to play VS or even giving/selling it to someone else. If not, I may not even get one (depeding on price). And I also have a friend interested in one to replace his recently deceased unit (a recent friend, his saturn died before I knew him).

So really, I need as much information as possible, I'm not really adventurous when money's low.

Thanks for replying though :)


Games aren't food.  They're not clothing, they're not shelter.

They're not required to live, and you've no justification for stealing them, let alone broadcasting your intent to do so in a public place.  

It's not cool, and it's not welcomed around here, whatever pathetic justification you give it.


Please stop confusing your opinion with fact.

If you want to discuss it, just let me know, I have a lot to say about that very extended theory about necesity and commodity. But I guess that is off topic, so I prefer to have permission to talk and not be accused of whatever other calamity you may think I'm guilty of.


I mean, if it is not wellcomed, I'm sorry, I beg you forgive me, I seriously think It is not that big deal, so if you want, we can talk about it.

So, if as your signature says, we should keep aside opinions from fact (being that this is not welcomed here the fact), I think you should refrain from calling my reasons "pathetic justification" and evangelicing about necessity and "luxury".


In my opinion, which on my forum tends to carry the weight of fact, announcing to the world an intent to copy games is not dissimilar to announcing, publicly to a bunch of strangers, an intent to smoke a lot of marijuana.

Copying games isn't 'cool', it's not exciting.  It's as difficult as falling off a chair, so there's no geek cred for doing it.

Sure, it's a relatively harmless crime, and a lot of people do it, and many people think there's nothing wrong with it, but it's just bad manners to announce your law-breaking intent to a group of people you don't know.


If I wanted to discourage discussion or shut you down I'd have locked or deleted the thread.  


First sorry again for being rude declaring law-breaking actions on a public forum (I mean it, don't take me wrong, I know it may sond like sarcasm, but it is not, I just don't dominate english to that point, it is the most correct way of saying it I can come up with now)

Into bussines:

Well, playing games without paying differs a lot from smoking marijuana or whatever in that, in doing so, I hardly damage my health more than if I play them for the retail/second-hand/collector's-item price, not to talk about other's health that I hardly damage in ANY way (EMF contamination maybe? Microwave emissions?).

Also, I'm not supporting any drug trafficking mafia when I copy a game for myself... If you exclude the legally allowed mafia that is the consumer electronics and broadband internet connections market  B)

Also, I really would freak if someone called me a geek. I don't pursue that calification, nor really like to receive it.

I have many real geek friends that expend a LOT of money I don't have on original, special/limited edition stuff, collection items... money I wouldn't spend on an overpriced entertainment if I had it, nor really want to have it, even if it's easy to earn.

I buy the system, buy some original game when I can afford it and it won't unreasonably deprivate me from an acceptable, healthy life. Never bought second hand, and if you think about it, second had gives not a single dime more to industry than personal copies do. Only retailers if you sell and buy second hand trough them, but Sega, Nintendo, MS, Sony or any 3rd party dev don't get anything from it (well, Sony does, as they sell burners and media, microsoft does to, indirectly, as most people use windows, and many buy them preinstalled or bundled with their system).

If I'm presented with a system I can only use with retail software (by not having the actual or hypotetical possibility of modding it to do otherwise), I wouldn't buy it, or would be very dissapointed afterwards, because I can't buy the quantity of games that would make the purchase of a system something worthy, and having it I buy some games when I can. And yet, I own an N64 (never had a copier, too expensive and now mostly unnavailable) and a GC (still unmodded) in wich I had spent along the years some really big money that now I think I would spend on something else if I could have it back.

If I perceived the geek status something good to me, I would get a job in which I would do something really bad for wich I would be paid an obscenely high amount of money, and would spend it on artificially expensive fetish stuff with an extra of exclusivity.

For me, geekiness is not something attractive, but if it is to be considered something of a high status, I reckon people that think themselves as cool for copying a CD for use on a system they paid another person to be modded are not so, but losers. Not because the lack of coolness of those acts, but because they think they are so just for doing that.

I'm not geek, nor cool, nor I pretend to be so, I just want to play some games without paying unreasonably high money for them, and I'm not harming anyone by doing so.
It is not a loss for the industry, because they never had it before. (and frankly, talking about something like saturn that is long out of the market there isn't even the posibility it could be a loss)
It is not stealing because I don't take anything away from anybody
It is not a loss but a win, because they gain a user that sometimes will spend on their stuff, and they wouldn't have that otherwise.

I understand, though, that maybe it is not a good idea to bring in attention from companies by talking about illegal stuff (it is pretty ridiculous it is actually illegal, but that's for another conversation :P), but it is not as if I was asking for roms/isos... wich I don't and will never do. I just wanted info on modchip compatibility (among other things), wich seemed fit on a forum like this.

Well, this has became a little big already, so I think I'll leave it now. I also have lost my mind on what I wanted to say.


If your oppinion is what you wrote above, then I think gaming ain't the thing for you... Piracy is something the world would be better without, it doesn't matter if the games are 13 years old, piracy is piracy, and here we don't like it. Want to talk about it? Do it elsewere.


Piracy involves selling what you copy to others. I don't do that, not even when I copy anything for anyone else. The industry has been convincing people they are criminals for not doing what they want them to do, and they are who came up with the piracy name in the first place.

You know what a real pirate is? He is a guy in a boat that takes aboard another ships and threats people with death for them to give him their possesions. They usually decide to kill them anyway and/or sink the ship altogether.
Do you know anyone like that anywhere near you? that's a pirate

The industry started to call pirates people that copied VHS tapes and SOLD them illegally... and that would even be just, though there already were a word for it: bootlegging. But they needed a more impactant, fearsome word, didn't they. Them, the same people that started being called pirates by owners of concert halls because the "HORRIBLE" invention that was gramophone would kill their bussiness model (save the music? anyone? :rolleyes: ). Them, the same people that went to the US west coast, where there was not much law enforcement then, to avoid the patent of the cinematographic camera... They are now the big mutimillion studios that "run" hollywood and call you a pirate for not buying all the overpriced stuff of theirs that you see. They don't even want you to watch a movie loaned from another person because, in their wicked minds, that predates their profits, and that's why they come up with so many DRM shit.

Seriously. I don't mind what you do, and I cand perfectly accept that you don't like what I do. But don't take so lightly what you call other people.

There are many things that the World would be better off without. But to fight or condem them we need to first identify them correctly and not going arround indiscriminatelly and mindlessly calling everything that folowing the criterion of a highly interested industry that spends millions in lobbyism, lawyers and expensive cartel to their customers pirates.

Gaming is not for me... talk about exclusivism. As I said I spend what I can.
In fact. to day, I have yet to copy a single game. I had gameboy, wich I had to sold second hand to buy a N64 arround 1997, In which I spend every single dime that got in my hands, always first hand except for a game I swapped. Then the gamecube, wich still has no chip or anything. Not to talk about the frigging magazines (wich here in Spain), guides, and game rentals. I cant even calculate how much I had spent in games and related stuff.
Then, with the cube, I also ended up with a lot of games I don't like, and I have not many, not even 10.
Now the DS, Bought it on day 1 (day 1 in spain, of course) with 1 game, Polarium, of wich I'm bored to death, and mario kart, wich I have already completed, and not having wifi nor having any hotspot nearby, Is mostly out now. DS total: 220 euros still not rentabiliced, and is going to be a year now. Why no more games? no money for everything, specially having to emancipate myself by the time being.

Don't let the industry talk you about what's good and bad, because they will just answer what they want, and that is getting obscenely rich, wich they already are.

Piracy is piracy. I copy games for myself, wich is a lot different story, and that allows to aford some money to buy some retail game from time to time and not getting so bored in the mean time that I would quit gaming altogether.

Start calling things for their name.

And if you don't want to talk about something, don't first shot and then look in another way, because that leaves people with a legitimate need for a reply.
I would suggest something like "we don't want to talk about this anymore here" and put califications aside, then I would shut up and go elsewhere for this topic and talk other, more friendly topics here.


Theres really no need for this debate. Its a tech forum, and the debate has been done before in the non tech section. You shouldnt really be trying to persuade one another to think a certain way, just realize that lawrences rule is that he doesn't want piracy promoted on his forum.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


Atom's right.  We've covered this before, and basically it boils down to this:  We all copy games.  Some of us do it with a purer heart than others, some of us are right bastards about it, but here's the thing:

We don't run around announcing our intent to strangers, and we don't attempt to justify our beliefs on my forum.

Please, no more of it.


"You shouldnt really be trying to persuade one another to think a certain way"

Exactly, and since I'm being persuaded to think in a certain way I really don't like, I reply.

I did talk about it first, OK, and I already said it was my error. But it was not me who started discussing the matter.

If I was just told "hey, we don't wan't this kind of talk here" I would say, "OK, sorry, and I won't do it anymore" and that would have been it.
But no, it had to be like "hey, you should not do that, because it is not cool" "you say pathetic excuses " "you steal" "gaming is not for you because..." "piracy piracy piracy piracy..." etc.

Isn't that starting a discussion?


Conversation started!

Conversation ended!

As you were.