Goldstar 3DO Transformer - 220v - 110v conversion

Started by Fluffy, February 18, 2006, 02:03:04 AM

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Okay.  I have a foreign (Korean?) Goldstar 3DO which is NTSC, but runs from 240v.  I'm trying to convert it to 120v.  What I know so far is the main transformer is supposed to output 12v ac into the power supply, so I replaced the transformer that was in there with a 120 to 12 volt transformer at 3 amps.  The system worked, though after an hour running, the transformer got fairly hot.  I'd estimate roughly 40-50 celsius.  

My question is whether this is acceptable or not?  Also, if someone has one of these and is willing to post a picture of the bottom of the unit (the sticker with power info on it) that would help a lot.  I've heard that the Panasonic FZ-1 uses the same transformer, so if someone can post a picture of that that might help too.  



I think I've got the same model 3DO. Mine also outputs NTSC video despite having an aussie power cord (looks original). I'd always assumed someone had modified it internaly to do so because there are some parts missing inside.

The sitcker on the bottom says 240V/30W so your 36VA transformer should be fine. Power transformers often get bit warm, nothing strange there.


Thanks!  At least you can read the bottom of yours.  Mine has no english specs on it...
At least 3a should work for a 30-watt system.  I just thought it was a bit too hot, considering it was nearly too hot to touch.  Maybe I'll install a fan.....


Hey, I might just be using a crappy transformer...  It heats up even when the 3DO is off.....  Maybe I should just get one of those 220-110v converters...