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MIDI and 8MB card

Started by aje_fr, September 21, 2020, 05:32:25 AM

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How can i buy this board?
Its Still available?
pm sent.


Hi Aje_fr, I am also interested if you are making new batch for year 2022.  Let us know.  Thanks!


I'm interested as well :-)


Expert CZ-602C rookie


Hi, I''m interested as well.

When do you think you have it available again?
Join X68000 on Discord


Also interested in one please!
From Mexico City... Amigo-Mexicano!
Also known as: "compil3r" ||


Is this amazing project Dead? Is it on GitHub? WTB if avail. Thanks.


Also interested if it ever rises from it's grave (Altered Beast)


New X68000 owner here, would be nice if this project were revived. Subscribing.


One please if there is another run.


One board available !






Received AJE_FR's RAM+MIDI board last week, did some tests, it's really amazing. Incredible build quality, and the feature of being able to set it to start at 1MB of RAM is great, because you don't need to have the CZ-6BE1 (on the CZ-600) or the CZ-6BE1A (on the Ace and Pro) to bring the motherboard RAM to 2MB before you're able to start using any RAM in the expansion slot.

You just set it to start at 1MB and it just works. You get 9MB of RAM on said machines, or 10MB if you add the 1MB RAM card to the motherboard, or your computer has already 2MB on the motheboard.

I haven't tested the MIDI functionality yet, but the card is detected by games with MIDI tracks.

Can't recommend AJE_FR enough.

I hope he can get more cards to help all enthusiasts out there. The product is trully amazing!







I would like one, too 👍



Just received my board from aje_fr! I can't recommend it enough, it works perfectly!

I did have an issue initially where the RAM wasn't working properly, but this is because I tried to put a 2MB Galspanic RAM board in at the same time as this 8MB expansion. For whatever reason this doesn't work, but honestly, who needs more than 10MB of RAM on an X68000 anyway! :P

I tested MIDI to a Roland SC-55 and it sounds great!


I'd like one when there are more boards available.


I have received my card from aje_fr today as well.  Shipping from France to Australia only took 9 days (31/10 to 9/11!)

Have configured the machine and it can see the full 10Meg. I have not dragged out my MT-32 yet but when i select midi the software doesn't hang so confident thats all working too.

Very impressed i must say!


I have received my card from aje_fr today . thx for all


Card arrived from aje_fr, many thanks.

I have installed it with full memory and MIDI side seems to be working as you can select MT32 on Final Fight now.

I am waiting for a MIDI DIN cable to arrive to connect my MT32-PI and hear the lovely sound!

Any other MT32-Pi user's here? Any specific settings in the .cfg?
I mainly use it with my Amigas and DOS PC via Gameport and SoftMPU.


It's been a couple years since I used my mt32-pi but I think the default settings worked fine. If you have trouble I can send you my cfg.


Quote from: incrediblehark on November 10, 2023, 10:40:10 PMIt's been a couple years since I used my mt32-pi but I think the default settings worked fine. If you have trouble I can send you my cfg.

I got my MT32-Pi running on my DOS PC via a Serial connection cable I made.
I tried on my Amiga with a MIDI cable and I got a Break error, same as X68000.
I was using it via a different Amiga HD image, so it might be a software issue. I will see if I still have the old Amiga HD image that I know it works from before (but this was also an old MT32-Pi firmware, I am now using the latest 13.1).

With the MIDI + 8mb card, only the MIDI is detected on Rotary Dial Position 1, so I am confident the card is ok. I think it is my MT32-Pi with the MIDI connection. Maybe I broke something when adding the Serial connection? I can't remember if I tried MIDI Port since adding the Serial as I was doing a lot of DOS MIDI.


Just an update - I bought some components and PCBs and built a new MT32 Pi hat, this time a:

And it works ;) Getting sweet MIDI sounds out of FinalFight.



I think I have found a bug in the MIDI card. With the After Burner II MIDI patch, the music plays way too fast to the point of breaking the music. I tested with a Roland SC-55, an MT32-pi, and also using the Roland UM-ONE mk2 USB interface to a Windows computer, just for testing.

To run the MIDI patch, do the following:
Look for attached to a forum post by incrediblehark.

You'll need to put this file on your X68000 hard drive and extract it, then run toMML.x on each of the .RCP files included. After this, run mcv.x on each of the .MDL files. Then once you have all 6 .mdi files generated, a config file must be generated as shown:


Make sure there is an extra line after read.txt in your config text file.

Also make a read.txt file and put whatever message you would like to appear at the launch of After Burner II.

After Burner II MIDI for SC-88

then run ablnk.x <config file name>

if all went well, it should generate ab2m.dat. From here, you need to copy ab2m.dat, ab2m.x, ab2mus.x and abipl.x over to Disk A of After Burner II and overwrite the existing files.

After this, launch After Burner.


Interested in getting 1 if it's available again.


I am  interested in too....already sent a pm



Interested in one of this if available.


Also interested in one if it's still available!


Also interested in one when (if) available again...


Interested in one as well if you are still making more, sent a pm years ago 😄


I would like to know if this card produced by aje_fr also works well on X68000 XVI with CPU set at 16MHz.
Is the memory detected correctly?
Does the MIDI part have a clean sound?

Unfortunately I purchased the model called Etarikashikoshi on the site, which does not work at 16MHz, it only works with 10MHz systems.


The aje_fr ram + midi card works with no issues on a XVI


Quote from: spectreman on April 20, 2024, 04:03:39 AMHI,
I would like to know if this card produced by aje_fr also works well on X68000 XVI with CPU set at 16MHz.
Is the memory detected correctly?
Does the MIDI part have a clean sound?

Unfortunately I purchased the model called Etarikashikoshi on the site, which does not work at 16MHz, it only works with 10MHz systems.
I can confirm that it works on XVI systems, my system can overclock to 24mhz and the aje_fr board works fine.

It does currently have a bug where After Burner MIDI files have too fast tempo, but I've tested many other games and this is the only one I found with an issue.

I also let aje_fr know about this bug so hopefully one day it can be fixed