Started by grey, August 17, 2004, 03:25:58 AM

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Ripped shamelessly from Slashdot:

But umm, did these guys never take beginning physics?  Sounds like tons of BS to me, but hey maybe it will improve the video quality, which is fine in my book, just as long as they drop idiotic hyperbole like, "recreating the three-dimensional gamut of film"  Damn, who's watching film in 3D?  Oh, maybe they mean with '3D glasses'

Richter X

You beat me to it, but here's the whole slashdot article.

Original Slashdot Article


Well, they're adding three colours to the gamut (colour space), so in theory they have a larger gamut (colour space) to play with. I'm not quite sure how adding CMY will help televisions however, given the original source is either RGB or YCbCr!

Looking at the gamuts that they have published, it does look like they have extended the colour range. There's a couple of gamuts on http://www.genoacolor.com/overview.html that show what they're expecting to acheive.
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]