Unix Socket Programming Last FAQ update: December 21/97 Last page update: December 21/97 [Image: Vic] Welcome to the socket faq home-page. Please accept my apologies if I have not, or do not respond to your email. I try to respond to the items I can, but time does not always allow. I almost never take the time to debug code that is sent to me any more. This page can be found at http://www.ibrado.com/sock-faq in North America and http://kipper.york.ac.uk/~vic/sock-faq in Scotland. Thanks to these sites for housing the socket faq for us! * Read the html version of the faq * Read the regular text version, as posted to usenet * Read the usenet text patch * Read the sgml patch * Read the enhanced text version. (Includes control characters to make printed output nicer. Works well with the gnu "less" utility, and maybe others.) * Check out the sgml source used to generate the other versions of the faq. If you have SGML Tools, (formally called Linux-Doc) you can generate groff, TeX and rtf versions of the faq in addition to those listed here. * Download sample source code. I've had questions from people regarding the .gz and .zip extensions used in some of the items on this page, including the sample source. The .gz extension is for gnu-zip'd files. You can download the source at ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/gzip-1.2.4.tar. The zip files can be uncompressed with the info-zip package. You can get info-zip from their www page at http://quest.jpl.nasa.gov/Info-Zip/Info-Zip.html. _________________________________________________________________________________ Some links you might find interesting in your quest for info on unix sockets... * Check out Andrew Gierth's excellent "comp.unix.programmer Resources Page". You can use the UK home page, or his North American version which isn't exactly the same, but they both contain his comp.unix.programmer FAQ. * Internet Standards, Request for Comments and For Your Information documents from InterNIC * Linked RFC index, with text searching * The Simple Sockets Library by Charles E. Campbell Jr. PhD., and Terry McRoberts is now available here! * BSD Sockets: A Quick And Dirty Primer * Beej's Guide to Network Programming * An Introduction to Socket Programming * An Introductory 4.4BSD Interprocess Communication Tutorial * An Advanced 4.4BSD Interprocess Communication Tutorial * Richard Stevens' Home Page * The tcp/ip faq (The link should work (again) now! - Thanks to those who emailed me with the correct address. This has been a real moving target!) _________________________________________________________________________________ That's all for now. Please mail comments to vic@acm.org. Special thanks to kipper.york.ac.uk and www.ibrado.com for providing me with the webspace for this page!