This story is set back in time, about 500 years. In this period, Japan was divided, into a large number of districts, where each warlord was desperately trying to expand his reign. The roaring sound of war, could be heard everywhere. Onin's battle in 1467 triggered a ruleless world, where the heirarchy of power meant nothing. Anarchy was the only thing which could be found.
The arrival of a foreign ship, cast ashore by a storm on the distant southern island, influenced the war greatly.
A mechanized armoured soldier. Technology given by foreigners along with firearms enabled Japanese craftsmen to build an eight metre tall humanoid robot. Powered by a steam engine. This machine was so powerful that each one could stand against three hundred cavaliers.
The airship was another invention brought by westerners. It was no wonder that the highly sophisticated weapon spread throughout the country in no time. Countries which could not keep up with the rapid change lost their power, and were absorbed in the powerful stream.
In the year 1556 the names of the eight strongest warlords who survived this chaotic time were: Nobunaga Oda, Shingen Takeda, Kenshin Uesugi, Motonari Moori, Doosan Saito, Motochika Chosokabe, Takahisa Shimazu, Yoshimoto Imagawa. Expecially Oda, of the Owari district, was expanding his power rapidly throughout the country, because of his demonic talents. In April of 1556, Oda's ally, Doosan Saito, was murdered by his son Yoshitatsu. And the balance of power became unstable.
At the time the news of Saito's death arrived at Oda's castle, the anti-Oda alliance was formed between the six most powerful warlors, Motonari Moori being the leader.
In the vicinity of Mikawa, Imagawa's army executed a fierce attack on Oda's loyal force, led by Shibata. Facing the overwhelming, absolute power of the Imagawa force, the Shibata army was demolished completely. Additionally, a report said that other allied forces were approaching from the North and the West, toward Oda territory. It seemed that Oda's fall would only be a matter of time.
However, he still had his final trump.
A Ninja army called... White Fang!
Concealing their existence in the mountains, these highly skilled ninjas specialized in manouvering their customized armoured soldier. The order was given by Nobunaga! Only they can overcome this desparate situation!