Sega Naomi CN6 and CN7 Maple Bus connector

Started by panzeroceania, November 23, 2014, 12:13:27 PM

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I was wondering if the connector for CN6 and CN7 were standard connectors that I could buy online somewhere, or if they are proprietary. Also, if I was able to get a connector, would I need any additional hardware to connect a dreamcast controller to the arcade board, or would I simple have to right the appropriate wires from the Maple Bus, to the right pins in the controller port


would something like this do the trick?


hmm, is this the same connector used for kick harnesses?

EDIT 02:

so maybe this?

EDIT 03:

if no additional circuitry / logic is needed I could probably wire it directly to this

does anyone know of a list that shows what Naomi games support the maple bus in place of standard JVS I/O