interfacing with a 360, info has been hunted.

Started by ulao, July 03, 2014, 02:46:01 AM

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So I have this product I make that essentially interfaces with controllers and allows them to be used on a usb host of any kind (ps3 and xbox included). My latest road block is the 360. When I started my project there was so much info out there. Now I see all of the sites that mentioned how to do this have been taking down. hmmmm... so I know few things..

1) making an avr chip work on the 360 is trivial and has been done. ( all sites gone )
2) by passing the dongle trick mystery is discovered and people have done it, not open source.
3) you dont need to bypass the dongle if a controller is also plugged in (to another port?).
4) its not like the original xbox, they changed the rules.
5) I believe its the same in the sense you need to set the PID right and in addition you have to answer the response from the out pipes. At least the first one that asked are you an xbox 360 controller. There are 3 more that are for security or something like that.

So does anyone here know of a project that exists or a page or two?
I have two so far.

I need to see some c code to set up my controller before I get to the complicated part. Maybe its just a matter of spoofing the PIDS?